some background information
Camera and lens details:

Most images captured with an unmodded Canon 350d on a mini-EQ mount, where the following lenses have been used:
a Hanimex f6.3 400mm and a range of Pentax SMC Takumar lenses (300mm, 135mm and 50mm).

However some brighter objects were imaged at the prime-focus of the 8" Dobsonian.

Image processing software details:

Original processing done in Windows where DeepSkyStacker has been used to stack digital images captured with an unmodded Canon 350D DSLR, while older negatives have been digitised with a film scanner.
Webcam videos were captured with K3CCDtools and stacked in Registax.
Photoshop Elements was used for post processing (cropping then levels and curves adjustments) and PixInsightLE (now sadly discontinued) to remove gradients.
Noel's Actions was used mainly to remove banding.
Finally the excellent startrails program was used for the startrails.

However moving over to Linux/Ubuntu have found that
GIMP can replace Photoshop and
SIRIL does a great job replacing DeepSkyStacker AND Registax AND PixInsightLE.
wxAstroCapture could be used to replace K3CCDtools and
PIPP can be used to convert avi/mp4 video clips to ser files ready for processing by SIRIL.
There is a Gimp Plugin to do startrail stacking.